Monday, November 2, 2015

Taking the Leap: Reflections on Saying Goodbye to the Gym


I’m no longer a gym member. It feels weird saying/writing that, because “going to the gym” has been such a big part of who I am over the last few years, and especially the last six months.

This place saved me. When we moved here I was so ignorant to exactly how hard it would be going from being a work outside of the home mom of three rowdy boys to a SAHM of three rowdy boys in a city almost 1,000 miles from friends and family. I just really had no idea. Couple that with a mixture of health issues that left me exhausted and unmotivated and it could’ve been a disaster.

I had some dark days over the summer, and I am eternally grateful that I had this place to go to, where I could drop my kids off at childcare and just put on my headphones and do work; I could sweat and construct more of myself both physically and mentally. I could pee without an audience. I could chat on the phone with my aunt or dad or one of my best friends from home uninterrupted. I would get in a workout at the gym by our house and then cruise across the Huey P to the sister gym site, where I would drop the boys off at childcare there for a little bit so that I could use the sauna or sit in the sun and get golden. I read, I reflected, I zoned out, I drank a beer  or a Gatorade or chomped ice and ate a Quest bar. I needed these precious moments alone more than ever this summer. 
Life would have been much, much harder without this place.

It’s time though. I’m sure I can get an excellent workout at home with my various Beachbody programs and the other assorted equipment I’ve acquired, and I’m dedicated to building a solid home gym. I thought about it a lot, went back and forth several times and talked with Chad, and we both agreed that it made more sense to save the gym membership money and put it towards a squat rack, which I’m very excited about.

I’m also excited because I think my workouts will have a little more joy in them. It’s weird; I love lifting and what it does to my body, but it really had come to a point for me where my heart was just not in it, and I’m not sure why, though I intend to look at that a little deeper. I’m looking forward to the variety that will inevitably come from a home workout, and strangely enough, I’m actually looking forward to cardio, specifically my all time favorite TurboJam, plus the runs that I’m doing to train for my Thanksgiving 5 Miler.

I’m more settled in now, New Orleans feels more like home. And because of that I know I don’t need a home away from home anymore, and that feels good.

Here's to the next part of the journey. 


Monday, October 19, 2015

That Time I Signed Up to Run 5 Miles...

Have you ever committed to a goal that scares you?

Cause that's exactly what I did yesterday...
I've been looking for a non-scale/non-aesthetics based goal and finally found one yesterday while chatting with my dad.

I've always wanted to do a Turkey Trot or Drumstick Dash 5K on Thanksgiving but for various reasons never have. This Thanksgiving will be our first in New Orleans and my dad, an avid runner, will be here to visit. He and I have talked about doing a race together but once again, for various reasons, never have. So yesterday when we were on the phone I told him I'd look and see what I could find. Well, I found the New Orleans Turkey Day Race, but to my utter dismay it is not a 5K but rather 5 miles. "Yeah, sorry Dad, but I definitely cannot run 5 miles. Damn, that sucks." 

I couldn't shake the idea though and started to consider my options. My thought process went like this "Well, maybe I can do it,  I mean, I'm athletic. I'm in good shape. But it's 5 miles!!! Hmm, let me google this and see how reasonable or unreasonable this is."

Long story short, I found a training program, sent my dad a text, and my training starts today, Lord help me.

Via Pinterest

I had some doubt-talk last night where I was thinking, there is no way in hell I can do this, but then I just accepted that hey, I'm intimidated by this challenge but I also enjoy setting goals and I genuinely enjoy the process, so I know this will be fun and good for me mentally and physically.

My goal is to run more than I walk. I'm not trying to set any speed records. I just want to train injury free and complete the 5 miles.

Do you have any tips for me? I'd love to hear them!



Thursday, September 10, 2015

Amanda Fierce Fit on Facebook!

It's no secret that I'm passionate about health, fitness, and encouraging women to live their best life. I've created a Facebook page: Amanda Fierce Fit and I would LOVE it if y'all would give my page a like, and feel free to share it with your friends and family as well. 

Obviously I'll be performing original raps about motherhood and fitness, but mostly I'm looking forward to providing fitness tips, recipes, spiritual encouragement, and sharing what works for me and what hasn't, and I'd love to hear from y'all as well; I am here to help. It's my vision that this will be a safe space for women to feel encouraged and empowered. 

Additionally, I'm working as a Coach with Beachbody, which excites me because now I can coach women through proven, effective workouts at home, assist with choosing the appropriate nutrition program, and provide the support and encouragement that is critical to successful long-term weight loss. You can find my website at 

This felt like a natural choice for me because I'm also working to achieve my personal trainer certificationthrough the ACSM, and I realized that not everyone feels comfortable in or has access to a gym. 

I'd love it if you'd join me as we build a tribe of fierce, fit women!