Wednesday, October 23, 2013

First Trimester Fitness!

I knew something was off when my pre-workout drinks and Quest bars started to taste extra artificial. Turned out, I’m pregnant! 

About a week after finding out that I’m pregnant I was wracked with nausea and food aversion, resulting in a lack of energy. Suddenly my favorite foods made me gag: tomatoes, Greek yogurt, any and all meat, protein shakes, salad greens. The only thing that I could stomach was a plain baked potato or a cheese quesadilla, and after a few bites I was full. I was MIA from the gym for about two weeks before I was finally able to figure out the foods that would not make nauseous but that would also give me enough energy to make it to the gym. 

Initially pregnancy fitness was a bit tricky. I am used to going heavy and hard, but have since had to lower the weight and intensity of my workouts. Instead of six days a week, I’m in the gym between three and five days a week. I have started doing more cardio, something I loathe, because some days I know that I do not have the energy to use proper form while lifting. On the plus side, I have started running again, and even though I am slower than I am used to, I am finding joy and peace in this activity again. 

My last pregnancy I did not work out at all, because I found it extremely difficult to keep my heart rate below 140 BPM, which is what my doctor had recommended. This time I did my own research, and what I found overwhelmingly indicated that the “below 140” rule was outdated. The new recommendations are to use the Perceived Rate of Exertion test. Basically, how hard are you working? Are you able to talk but not sing? Good, then you’re fine. I met with one of the doctors at my group today and she recommended not going over 180 bpm. I plan to continue to use my heart rate monitor and the PRE test to keep watch on things. 

I am a big gainer while I am pregnant. I gained 60 pounds with Troy and 50 pounds with Archer. I never had gestational diabetes and my blood pressure was always excellent; I have big babies: 10 pounds and 11 pounds respectively. I just do not plan on gaining that much weight this time because I do not want to have to work as hard after the baby is born. I also want to maintain as much of my strength and stamina as possible. Working out makes me feel whole and relieves stress, both of which I believe are critical during pregnancy, so I plan to continue to do so to the best of my ability. Wish me luck and stick around for the journey!