What do you think of that blog post title? It's in reference to the fact that I have "popped" as they say in the pregnancy world, and now visibly look pregnant. I combined that with my love of T.I/southern rap and the fact that I probably will have another large baby, and BAM: blog title!
Moving on...
So the last two weeks I have gone to the gym 4x/week, and I
am pretty satisfied with that amount. I have stuck to my running and weight
lifting split, but this week I am going to make some changes.
Typically, I have done my workouts on a body part split.
That means that each body part is assigned a day to be worked. Most recently, I
was combining two muscle groups in order to be more efficient, because I am not
in the gym 6 days a week like I was pre-pregnancy. This has worked well for me,
but then I read some new information on one of my favorite sites, Lean Bodies Consulting, that encouraged an upper body/lower body
split, in order to promote muscle activation and growth. This really spoke to
me because sometimes I feel like I have to shove workouts together anyway, and
also because I want to work certain muscles more frequently, specifically
biceps, shoulders, and glutes.
I have come up with Kanye’s my new workout plan and am posting my new
split below.
Day 1: Biceps/Back/Shoulders
Day 2: Calves/Quads/Glutes
Day 3: Chest/Triceps/Shoulders
Day 4: Glutes/Hams
One thing I want to mention is that I don’t plan
to work shoulders twice a week all the time. Some weeks I will work biceps
twice, and will substitute other upper body muscles as I see fit. I love
working shoulders and mine develop quickly. My biceps need some work though,
and I hate doing bicep work, so I figured that was a good indication I should
do more of it. I love working legs and glutes, and kind of feel like, hey, if I
have to be in a caloric surplus for a portion of my pregnancy then I might as
well try to build an onion butt with some extra calories*!
*NOTE: You cannot grow muscle without a caloric surplus.
This is called bulking.
I’m sort of
looking at pregnancy as an extended bulk so when I lose the baby weight I will
be mad shredded bro! Just kidding. I don’t expect to be shredded for quite some
time, and that’s okay with me too. It’s all about the journey, and I love it.
How do you choose your workouts for the week or do
you just do what the spirit moves you to do?
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