Thursday, September 10, 2015

Amanda Fierce Fit on Facebook!

It's no secret that I'm passionate about health, fitness, and encouraging women to live their best life. I've created a Facebook page: Amanda Fierce Fit and I would LOVE it if y'all would give my page a like, and feel free to share it with your friends and family as well. 

Obviously I'll be performing original raps about motherhood and fitness, but mostly I'm looking forward to providing fitness tips, recipes, spiritual encouragement, and sharing what works for me and what hasn't, and I'd love to hear from y'all as well; I am here to help. It's my vision that this will be a safe space for women to feel encouraged and empowered. 

Additionally, I'm working as a Coach with Beachbody, which excites me because now I can coach women through proven, effective workouts at home, assist with choosing the appropriate nutrition program, and provide the support and encouragement that is critical to successful long-term weight loss. You can find my website at 

This felt like a natural choice for me because I'm also working to achieve my personal trainer certificationthrough the ACSM, and I realized that not everyone feels comfortable in or has access to a gym. 

I'd love it if you'd join me as we build a tribe of fierce, fit women!